Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Is Chiropractic for Elderly Safe?

 Chiropractic is a family-oriented profession. This means that it can benefit anyone in the family-from toddlers and children to teenagers, adults, and even the elderly. Many elderly people believe that it is either too late in life to seek help for their pain issues or that chiropractic care is harmful to their elderly, frail bodies. But this is, at best, a misunderstanding. Chiropractic care can benefit people of all ages, even if you believe it is “too late.”

Chiropractic care is becoming more popular for a wide range of illnesses, not just back and neck pain. Is this type of treatment, however, appropriate for the elderly?

Pain relief for seniors
The vast majority of chiropractic patients come in because they are in pain. The fact that 80% of people will suffer from back pain at some point in their lives says it all. When you consider that the elderly become frailer as they age, it is no surprise that pain and chronic conditions like arthritis become much more common. Daily tasks may become difficult, pain may become more prevalent, and multiple medications may be required daily in many cases.
Chiropractors tailor treatments to the specific needs of each patient. This means that if gentleness is required, they will be gentle. If you have arthritis, they will abandon some techniques in favor of others. Their job is to ensure that treatment is provided, even if it is in conjunction with other types of pain relief. They will use drug-free and non-invasive methods to correct spinal subluxations and relieve pain and inflammation.

Improve range of motion, coordination, and balance
Because bones become more fragile and muscle weaker as we age, the range of motion decreases, and the balance becomes more difficult to maintain. Every year an estimated 33% of seniors fall; as flexibility and fragility increase, so does the risk of serious injury.
Chiropractic care aims to strengthen the muscles surrounding the spine and relieve pain through the use of simple daily stretches and exercises. They do not take long to complete, but they go a long way toward improving balance and decreasing the likelihood of falling. Furthermore, the exercises strengthen the muscles; they also help mitigate any severe injuries that may occur with falling.

Stay nimble

Senior citizens who received regular chiropractic care as they aged showed a reduction in the severity of arthritis. Other discoveries included:

  • Chiropractic patients were more active than non-chiropractic patients.
  • They discovered that 5 percent of older chiro patients were in nursing homes after three years of visits, compared to 48 percent of non-chiro patients. 
  • Patients were less likely to seek assistance with everyday duties since they got tailored treatment and strength training outside of the chiropractor's clinic.

Help with chronic conditions
Certain conditions that affect the elderly can be treated or treated in conjunction with chiropractic care. One study followed a group of seniors with COPD to see how often they experienced adverse events as a result of the disease. These study participants had a lower number of adverse events; and a higher quality of life after four weeks of chiropractic care.

Stress, wear and tear, and joint dysfunction all occur as we age. This causes a reduction in range of motion due to arthritic conditions in the joints, which reduce function and cause weakness. Joint dysfunction and “stoved” or “locked up” arthritic changes occur, as do decreased mobility and inability to participate in general activities and exercise.

Chiropractic adjustments are safe and effective methods for restoring motion, reducing pain, and resuming normal activity and exercise. In 1997, Americans paid an estimated 629 million visits to complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) practitioners, compared to 388 million visits to primary care physicians that same year. Chiropractic focuses on the underlying problem of joint and spinal nerve dysfunction, allowing you to experience improved quality of life, participation in daily activity and exercise, as well as reduced pain and increased function through chiropractic adjustments.
Before we can understand the relationship between arthritis, aging, and chiropractic care, we must first understand what coordinates all the body's functions. The spine is made of 24 moveable vertebrae that serve as a protective shell for the nervous system. The nervous system is the body's master controller, controlling all glands, organs, and functions. A subluxation occurs when the spine is out of alignment. This misalignment impairs nervous system function, causing pain and limiting joint movement, muscle stiffness, and deteriorating health.

According to research, it only takes the pressure of a dime to reduce nerve function by more than 60%. When the spine is misaligned, it restricts motion, irritates nerves, and impairs the nervous system's ability to function properly.

It's never too late to improve your range of motion, relieve discomfort, or lessen the severity of your chronic disease. Chiropractic seeks to strengthen your spine and boost healthy movement in general, so give us a call today if you're ready to get started on the road to a healthier you!

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