Wednesday, September 22, 2021

How does chiropractic care cure numbness in the legs?

Your legs start to grow numb when climbing in the mountains, inhaling the wonderful aroma of pine trees. They aren't immobilized indefinitely, and you don't slump over or fall in your tracks.

However, if you experience numbness in your legs regularly, you should investigate the cause and seek treatment.

Temporary numbness
It's unlikely that losing sensation in one or both legs is life-threatening. Due to your seating position, there may be a lack of blood supply to the lower extremities, treated with lifestyle adjustments. Leg numbness might occur temporarily due to excessive nerve pressure caused by biking or sitting with your legs crossed. But sometimes, the problem can be traced to other parts of your body, such as a back strain involving leg pain. It may not last long, but if leg weakness persists, it could be due to age or developing arthritis in the spine. Spinal stenosis, a constriction of the lumbar portion of the spine, could be the cause.

It's equitably uncommon to sit on the floor for an extended period and then get up with legs that need to "wake up." Paresthesia is a condition that develops when pressure is applied to your legs, causing the nerves to become compressed and unable to communicate with one another. Tingling, burning, or “crawling” sensations on your skin are some of the additional symptoms you may experience.

Sciatica is a problem that affects only one side of the body and manifests itself as leg weakness and discomfort that runs down the back of the leg. The sciatic nerve runs down your legs to your toes and originates in the lumbar region of your spine. A developing discomfort that gets worse when you cough or sneeze is one of the signs of sciatica. A mild episode of sciatica may resolve on its own, but it can sometimes persist for weeks. A chiropractor can help you reduce inflammation and pain by treating your symptoms.

Serious conditions leading to leg numbness
If your spells of leg numbness seem to be getting longer and stronger, consult your chiropractor for a diagnosis and treatment options. It could indicate that you have a degenerative condition or an urgent condition that requires medical attention.

Managing blood sugar levels is critical for diabetics since an imbalance can cause nerve damage. If your extremities feel numb, it could be an indication of diabetic peripheral
neuropathy, which usually starts in the toes. Symptoms might also affect your hands and feet,
and they are frequently worse at night.
The tingling feeling in certain diabetics is accompanied by:

  • Muscle deterioration
  • Imbalance
  • Leg pain 
  • Foot sores

Multiple Sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis, or MS, is characterized by an overactive immune system that affects the central nervous system. As a result, you may have numbness or tingling in your legs in the early stages. It might be moderate, such as a sensation of “pins and needles” or severe enough to trouble walking.

Symptoms differ from person to person; however, persons with MS commonly report the following:

  • Dizziness
  • Problems with vision
  • Fatigue
  • Mood swings
  • Stiffness
  • Spasms of the muscles

Nerve tumor
The good news is that if you do get a peripheral nerve tumor, it is usually benign. It can, however, grow near the nerves that control your leg muscles, causing irritation or even nerve damage.
You may also have the following symptoms if you have a peripheral nerve tumor:

  • Under the skin clumps
  • Muscle weakness
  • A lack of equilibrium
  • Swelling

Chiropractic care
Because numbness can be caused by everything from back pain to multiple sclerosis, you'll need the advice of a professional to figure out what's causing it. Seeing a chiropractor for help with your symptoms is a good method to acquire a diagnosis and a treatment plan. The establishment of a baseline for patients who visit a chiropractor regularly makes it easier for their chiropractor to track improvements in their health.

The ability to move your legs is one of those things you take for granted until it's gone — even if it's only temporarily. A minor stutter may not render you bedridden, but failing to notice changes in your health can transform a delay into a cancellation. Whether the Pacific Crest Trail or the Great Wall of China is on your bucket list, you'll want to keep your legs moving in preparation for future excursions. Visit us, and we'll help you with anything.

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