Thursday, June 30, 2022

Problems your body experiences with spinal misalignment

Despite the variety of lab test reports that you get from x-rays and electronic imaging devices, there are symptoms that your body can catch to understand there has been a spinal misalignment issue happening within.

Since there are plenty of ways to ascertain that your curvature has gone off its original curve, you should know about them in detail so anytime you come across any one of them - you know what has happened and where to go for its treatment. 

Below are some symptoms of a misaligned spine you should know about:

Digestive problems and stomach pains:
Digestion is one of the most common symptoms of misaligned spine. With muscular tightness in the neck region comes energy blockages leading to spinal pressure on the stomach area along with uncomfortable and frequently disturbed digestive cycles.

Distorted sleep cycles:
A lot of mattress companies claim that using the wrong bedding type for your sleep can often lead to problems with your back. Since choosing the right type of mattress is highly essential for sound sleep that comes only with a good posture and a comfortable body, you should ponder on what you sleep on so you can detect faults with where your back and shoulder aches are stemming from. 

Stiffness and inflexibility:
If your back and neck area often feels stiff and this does not happen only once a month when you sit on a chair for elongated hours, then there is something else taking place that you have to think about seriously. Since stiffness and inflexibility are two primary symptoms of spinal misalignment, you cannot take them too lightly thinking things will go back to being normal without having to do anything. Because these issues have drastic effects and sometimes also lead to gigantic other bodily problems - treat them in a timely manner to be on the safer side.

Have you been facing the above-mentioned? Consult our doctor to get yourself checked in a timely manner. Call us today for an appointment and consultation.

Wednesday, June 22, 2022


When severe pains occur in your body, only you know that this pain was not just a mere occurrence. But it was a slow build-up of the pain you paid no heed to in the past incidents. Or the other case can be that you were not aware of the consequences of ignoring it just like you ignore the unwanted fake mails. But the thing with pain is that it only grows with time if not cured. And in an era where health conditions are already at stake with the ongoing pandemic, one must never ignore the symptoms your body signals.

Back pains can arise due to many reasons. But to consider is it normal or not is the question here. Few reasons for back pain can be a muscle pull, a little extra stretch while doing exercises, an accident, incorrect sleeping positions, or a spine injury. Some of the reasons can be identified and cured but some might take you on a roller coaster journey of throbbing through pain and then understanding altogether the purpose of life. Back pain can alter your life to an unimaginable extent. This is why be very careful to listen to what your body says. 

Following are the cases that if you experience you need to see a doctor immediately: 

Sharp pain: A low pain will be bearable till its intensity is not increased whereas a sharp pain won’t even let you sit, stand, sleep, or even crawl. Sharp pain will hit you like a hurricane. This case can mostly occur in accidents where a muscle pull or ligament tear is detected.  

Radiating pain: A radiating pain might feel like a moving pain that moves through your back then legs and finally to the thighs. This can signify a nerve compression. A chiropractor is the best person who can get you relief from this soar.  

Weakness in legs: Weakness in the legs and the spinal stenosis that occurred by a spinal compression is the reason behind sciatica pain. It starts from your spine and jams your legs where forceful moving causes severe pain. It is advisable to go to your chiropractor and never miss your therapy sessions.  

Numbness and needles in buttocks: Stern pain in your buttocks and inguinal area can also indicate
serious symptoms of spinal injury. Do not ever rely on pain killer medicines or injections, visit a good chiropractor to get your treatment done.

A right chiropractor is more than a blessing in life. A good chiropractor is all you need to keep up with your spinal health and cure even the ruthless problems without surgeries. Visit at Sheets Chiropractic  Centre to get your treatment done with the right techniques of chiropractic care.

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Dealing with arthritis? Learn how chiropractic care is right for you!

Before getting into what chiropractic care is and how it can benefit patients dealing with problems related to arthritis, let’s first understand what this health trouble is in detail.

Arthritis means inflammation of the joints. It is referred to as the degenerative joint disease wherein the cartilage responsible for bone protection begins to wear down, gradually. 

Talking of chiropractic care, a lot of people believe in the misconception that this form of treatment works only for bettering problems pertaining to neck and shoulder region. This is the primary reason why patients suffering with other acute problems, including arthritis never visit these practitioners for help. And while chiropractic care in reality, works magically well for a variety of health and body problems - this article is mainly focussing on how arthritis can properly be dealt with through chiropractic care.

Take a look how to know this form of treatment is highly beneficial for arthritis:

By visiting a chiropractor you can expect to see the following results -
● Better strength
● Increased muscle tone
● Improvement in endurance as well as body flexibility
● Enhanced body motion by keeping your spine in proper alignment
● Better body posture while walking, sitting and sleeping
● Reduced inflammation
● Developed dietary plans for overall health benefits 

And while chiropractic adjusments work in an advantageous manner in not just reducing your symptoms but also helping with a vareity of other troubles that come in with the problem, here are some remedies you can expect for your symptom treatment:

● Ultrasound procedures
● Massage
● Magnet Therapy

Do you want to consult a specialist to understand your problem in detail and check how it can be treated in an effective manner? Get in touch with our expert chiropractor to understand how you can achieve relief through chiropractic treatment. Call us to book an appointment.

Thursday, June 2, 2022

How does a chiropractor ascertain where to provide adjustments?

When you are feeling discomfort and pain, you know the points where it's exactly being originated from. And while in acute aches it's completely impossible to overlook the tension, stress and unnecessary anxiety - it's only when you are experiencing something minor that you are able to go unnoticed with your problems.

A person only sees a chiropractor when the pain goes up a notch and is almost or near unbearable. Since these practitioners do a great job of helping you diagnose and treat your physical problems, all you have to do is let them know about your issue and rest and it will all be done without causing you any further disruption or trouble .

If you're planning to see a chiropractor and wondering how these people know where to provide you with adjustments, the following points will answer your questions:

In most cases, the chiropractors you’ll visit will be ultrasound-guided. This enables them to detect abnormalities through a few tests so the body can properly be checked in and out. ince some problems are difficult to diagnose just by looking or touching your body parts, devices such as ultrasound machines can make it easier for you to look inside to find the source of the problem in the absolute shortest time possible.

Motion range:
The way you move along with your range says a lot about what you may be experiencing in the form of trouble. This is one of the firsts that a chiropractor is able to see and check in your system. Since most of the problems are easy to detect by how your movement is, the minor ones can easily be treated by them without you having to go through any further tests.

There are various reasons to see a chiropractor beginning with your body feeling a lot of pain in a particular or more than one point of your system. If you have been procrastinating seeing a doctor for a while and have already gotten a feeling that your condition has worsened, this practitioner is the best person to book your appointment with today.

Want to get some consultation? Call us!