Wednesday, February 9, 2022

How do Chiropractors help with Degenerative Disc Disease?

Chiropractic care is a treatment option for degenerative disc disease that you might wish to consider (DDD). The chiropractor;s first step in treating DDD is to evaluate whether or not you have a real disc condition.

 If you have degenerative disc disease and your major symptom is back discomfort, the chiropractor may look at three possible causes: 

  • The mechanics of the spine may be disrupted by degeneration in the spinal joints.
  • Discs that are thinning or degenerating may bulge, exerting pressure on spinal nerves.
  • Back and leg pain is common symptoms of spinal stenosis.

What is Degenerative Disc Disease?
Degenerative disc disease is a word for the changes that might occur in the spine as we age, rather than a disease.
The exterior of our discs is robust and rubbery, with a soft inner.
They serve as shock absorbers by sitting between the vertebrae.
The spinal discs begin to degrade as we become older.
Herniated discs, bulging discs, spinal stenosis, and osteoarthritis can all result from this. 

Disc Degeneration Symptoms
Degeneration of spinal discs can create no symptoms at all, and symptoms vary depending on the severity of the disease and the patient. 

In the back or neck, pain may occur at the site of the damaged disc. Because compressed nerves are a common cause of pain, they can spread to other parts of the body, including the buttocks, arms, and legs. There may also be numbness and tingling in the arms and legs. Pain can be slight or severe, and it can be debilitating.

Causes of Degenerative Disc Disease
As we become older, our spines may begin to deteriorate. As we become older, tears in the disc's harder outer layer become more likely. When the discs start to lose fluid, they shrink and become less flexible. Other factors that may come into play, in addition to aging, are obesity, smoking, repetitive physical work, and injury.

 Degenerative Disc Disease: How Does a Chiropractor Diagnose It?
Your chiropractor will analyze your past and current medical history and discuss your current symptoms and the possible cause, during your initial evaluation. A physical and neurological examination can assist identify potential issue areas, such as restricted joint motion (e.g., range of motion), aberrant spine curvature, muscular spasms and/or trigger points, or injury evidence (e.g., sprain, strain). Naturally, there are a variety of reasons why your neck or back hurts, and your chiropractic examination may include a few easy tests. Your chiropractor will also pay attention to how you move and your general posture. These data will aid him in comprehending your body mechanics and spine movement. An imaging test, such as an x-ray or an MRI, may also be required. The chiropractor will diagnose your issue and establish a treatment plan to alleviate back pain and other DDD symptoms after your examination.

Degenerative Disc Disease Chiropractic Treatments
Chiropractic treatment for DDD aims to enhance joint mechanics by lowering inflammation and increasing spinal motion. If you don't have extensive disc degeneration, the chiropractor may also focus on enhancing the function of the intervertebral discs.

Your chiropractor may employ spinal manipulation to assist alleviate your DDD symptoms (also called spinal adjustment). Spinal manipulation can take many forms, including:

  • Specific spinal manipulation: Your chiropractor will detect the restricted or abnormally moving joints in your spine. Using a mild pushing approach, they will strive to restore joint mobility.
  • Flexion-distraction technique: This sort of spinal manipulation is used to treat herniated discs and spinal stenosis with a mild, non-thrusting technique.
  • Instrument-assisted manipulation is a technique in which a hand-held instrument is used to help manipulation. The chiropractor uses moderate pressure on the spine rather than shoving it. 

DDD symptoms can also be treated with manual therapy. The following are some examples of manual treatment techniques: 

  • Trigger point therapy is when a chiropractor locates tight, painful places on a muscle and applies direct pressure to reduce tension.
  • Manual joint stretching and resistance techniques may be used by your chiropractor to alleviate pain and other DDD symptoms.
  • Massage therapy can aid in the reduction of muscle tension.
  • Instrument-assisted soft tissue therapy: The Graston technique, which employs an instrument to relieve pain and other symptoms, is an example of this sort of manual therapy. 

Your chiropractor may employ different types of therapy in addition to spinal manipulation and manual therapy techniques to assist alleviate inflammation caused by DDD. 

Here are several examples: 

Interferential electrical stimulation: To relieve inflammation, a low-frequency electrical current is used to activate your muscles.

Ultrasound: By transmitting sound waves deep into your muscle tissues, ultrasound may help alleviate muscle spasms, stiffness, and pain. This produces soothing heat that improves circulation. 

Therapeutic activities may be recommended by your chiropractor to complement your other therapies. Chiropractic care emphasizes prevention, and therapeutic exercises might help you avoid worsening your degenerative disc disease symptoms.

What is the Role of Chiropractic Care in the Treatment of Degenerative Disc Disease?
We will work tirelessly to treat your degenerative disc disease and alleviate all of the symptoms associated with it. Chiropractors like us treat the "whole person," not just your symptoms. In addition to treating your degenerative disc disease symptoms, we will educate you on a diet, stress management, and lifestyle objectives.

Contact us for any further queries or treatment.

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