Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Chiropractic Care Can Help You Perform Better in Sports and Avoid Injuries

Did you know that nearly 30 million youngsters participate in youth sports? On fields, courts,and rinks around the country, that's a lot of kids! Participating in young sports has a lot of benefits, but those players also run the danger of getting wounded every time they play or practice. Chiropractic therapy, fortunately, is an excellent technique to improve athletic performance and decrease injury.

Chiropractic care is a gentle and safe technique to assist your young athletes to avoid injury and possibly improving their sports performance. 

Reaction time:
Research published in the Journal of Chiropractic Research and Clinical Investigation found that athletes who underwent 12 weeks of chiropractic care improved their reaction speed by 30% compared to those who did not.

Another study discovered a link between chiropractic therapy and increased strength. This is significant because increased strength translates to improved performance and reduced injury risk. The electrical activity in patients' arms and legs was examined in that study, which indicated a significant increase in a cortical drive (and muscle contraction) after the correction. Researchers found an 8% increase in plantar flexor muscle strength in elite taekwondo players after a single session of chiropractic care in another investigation on the association between strength and chiropractic.

Finally, according to a study published in the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research, baseball players who had chiropractic therapy had higher capillary counts. A larger capillary count leads to oxygen-rich blood flow, which is necessary for excellent muscle function, performance, and repair.

If your child participates in young sports, there are various things you can do to assist them to improve their skills and avoid injury:

  • Regular chiropractic care is essential.
  • Before practice and games, warm-up.
  • After practice and games, stretch and cool down.
  • Get a lot of rest.
  • Stay hydrated during and after your game.

You undoubtedly already put a lot of effort into ensuring that your children are safe while participating in sports that they like. You spend money on mouth guards, helmets, pads, and other protective equipment, as well as courses and coaching, and you even invest time studying and teaching regulations to avoid injuries. Why not consider regular chiropractic adjustments as a gentle, effective method to improve your child's athletic performance and reduce their chance of injury?

Athletes and non-athletes alike benefit from chiropractic care in the following ways: 

Reverse the damage done to the body by sports:
Strength, flexibility, speed, and coordination are all factors that influence athletic performance. Sports participation is promoted due to the numerous advantages. When a person plays, they not only gain exercise, but they also improve fine motor skills, learn about collaboration and fair play, and, of course, make new friends. But their bodies are also taking impact no matter what sport they are playing.

When the spine's mobility and/or alignment are faulty, the ensuing vertebral subluxations can cause specific areas of irritation in the nervous system, interfering with the other systems' optimal operations. As a result, athletic performance declines as a result of this. When athletes are adjusted regularly, they frequently credit their success to chiropractic therapy.

Chiropractic therapy can help with a range of sports injuries, including:
Athletes can benefit from chiropractic treatment in a variety of ways. Wrestling, football, and hockey all have high-impact sports, and adjustments can help with those injuries, but they also have other benefits. High-impact sports have been demonstrated to put the body under the same degree of stress as a car accident. Athletes who receive routine adjustments may experience improvements in sports performance, range of motion (particularly in endurance athletes), flexibility, blood flow, and injury prevention. Because spinal adjustments lessen then irritation of the nerve roots between the vertebrae, minor injuries can heal faster, allowing you to perform better.

Injury Prevention:
Any chiropractor who specializes in treating athletes should be prepared to treat the full person and create a thorough injury-prevention program. Traditional orthopedic exams, neurological examinations, and consideration of supplementing physical exam findings with any other diagnostic evaluations, if suitable, or a referral if required should all be part of the first evaluation. Chiropractic therapy has been shown in numerous studies to aid athletes in achieving their peak performance. The runners healed rapidly, and seven of them achieved "personal best: times while receiving chiropractic care, but other variables may have played a role.

To decrease pain:
The spine is a vital physical structure that houses a variety of pain-sensitive tissues, including joints, muscles, nerves, discs, and ligaments. Any of these issues can be subjected to excessive stress and strain if there are any aberrant alignment patterns in the spinal column. Chiropractic adjustments were consistently better than alternative medical methods in reducing the intensity of acute low back pain and restoring normal function, both for short-term and long- term effects, according to a recent paper examining the effectiveness of spinal manipulation.

For consultation and chiropractic adjustments, contact us.

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