Thursday, October 7, 2021

How Chiropractic Care Helps Children with Chronic Ear Infections

By the age of three, almost 80% of children have had at least one ear infection. An ear infection is a rather typical occurrence. As a result, every concerned parent of a young child should broaden their understanding of this disorder. A chiropractor can help in treating ear infections. 

Does chiropractic care, on the other hand, help with ear infections? Should you see a chiropractor if you have ear infections? Chiropractic ear adjustments can help alleviate symptoms, according to research on chiropractic and ear infection. Safe adjustments, such as chiropractic ear pulls and others, are used to deliver this treatment. When it comes to ear infection therapy for toddlers, it's best to go to a chiropractor. For example, many parents seek treatment from a chiropractor for ear pressure, an indication of an ear infection.  

First and first, what exactly is an ear infection? An ear infection is nothing more than an inflammation of the middle ear. Fluid builds up directly below the child's eardrum as a result of the illness. Otitis Media is the term used by doctors and chiropractors to describe this ailment. As previously said, otitis media affects a large number of young children, toddlers, and infants. In fact, it's the most common cause for parents to bring their children to an ear infection expert. You owe it to your child as a caring parent to educate yourself about inflammation. Only well-informed parents can take the necessary steps to assist their children.

Everyone is vulnerable when it comes to OM. No one is immune to it: seniors, teenagers, pregnant women, young adults, middle-aged folks, and tiny toddlers. Children, on the other hand, are in more danger than anyone else. But why are youngsters at a higher risk of contracting OM? 

Primarily, children's Eustachian tubes are substantially smaller than those of adults. These tubes have not fully grown in youngsters; they lay flatter and more evenly than in any other group of people. As a result, fluid drains slowly and painfully from children's ears. The Eustachian tubes can enlarge and become plugged due to mucus. The fluid does not drain in some cases, which might lead to issues. 

Second, young children's immune systems are developing. That is why it does not operate as well as it does in adults. Children's ability to fight off ear infections is, predictably, weaker than that of adults.

Bacterial infections are the most common type of ear infection. They occur when the Eustachian tubes of a youngster enlarge and become obstructed. Fluid builds up in the middle ear behind the eardrum as a result of the swelling and obstruction. What causes these tubes to enlarge and become clogged, though? Several variables, according to Healthline, contribute to this issue. Colds, allergies, smoking, and excess mucous are some of these reasons. Changes in air pressure and enlarged adenoids are two more prominent reasons for Eustachian tube blockage.

When a child has an upper respiratory infection, ear infections are common. This infection is most likely to affect a child who has a cold or suffering from a sore throat.

Have your child examined by a specialist if you detect any or all of the indicators listed below. Here are the signs and symptoms without further ado: 

  • The child is having difficulty sleeping.
  • The child may be irritable and cry frequently.
  • They may tug or pull on the ear that is affected (s)
  • Low-decibel sounds may go undetected by them.
  • The ear empties a pus-like substance (s)
  • Frequent fever, especially in babies and little children.
  • In the ear, there may be some pain (however minimal).
  • Excessive pressure inside the ear that persists
  • They may also have a general sense of unbalance.
  • Mood swings/changes in mood

There are a handful of variables that enhance the chances of getting an ear infection. Moving to a place with a drastically different climate is one of these variables. Traveling from a high- altitude to a low-altitude location can also raise the risk of developing the illness. A child who has recently had an ear infection or any other disease may be at a higher risk. Another risk factor is exposure to tobacco smoke. Aside from that, using a pacifier increases your chances of getting an ear infection.

When it comes to ear infections, the best course of action is to do nothing. That is because these infections usually go away on their own after a while. However, in some situations, your child's doctor may suggest antibiotics as a treatment option. Unfortunately, these drugs have a variety of side effects. As a result, use it only when the situation calls for it. Does chiropractic ear adjustment help children with ear pain? Yes, it is possible. By optimizing ear drainage, chiropractic therapy can assist reduce ear infections. That's why ear infections are frequently referred to chiropractors by medical practitioners. Research that looked at 46 children under the age of five came up with some outstanding results. The researchers wanted to see if chiropractic adjustments could help with ear infection symptoms. Surprisingly, 93 percent of the children who took part had their symptoms improve. In just ten days, 75% of these people had improved. Remember that a general lack of balance is one of the signs of an ear infection. A chiropractor uses a variety of treatments to help a patient's body regain its natural balance. One of the methods these doctors employ to address the problem is chiropractic ear pulling. It also works.


There are two types of ear infections: chronic and acute. Short-term pain characterizes acute ear infections. Inflammation and fluid buildup in the patient's middle ear causes the pain. In most cases, these infections will go away on their own. Chronic ear infections in infants, toddlers, and children, on the other hand, rarely go away without therapy. And when it does, it doesn't go away. This type demands immediate medical attention. Otherwise, permanent damage to the inner or middle ear may result. 

Are you looking for a chiropractor to treat your toddler's ear infection? Consider consulting with us if you're in Mission Viejo, California, or any of the neighboring areas. For ear infections,
we'll swiftly connect you with a skilled chiropractor.

At Sheets Chiropractic Center, we are concerned about every patient that seeks our help. Our doctors are friendly, pleasant, and have a track record of success. Take action before the infection worsens and your child's quality of life suffers. Make an appointment right now.

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