Spinal problems have become very common among people these days. Many people experience pains in different parts of the body like the back, legs, neck, shoulders and head because of the spinal problems. Spinal problems of any type need to be attended to so that these do not harm the body in any manner. The spine being the backbone and the main-stay of the human body needs to be maintained in a healthy manner to prevent all types of pains that people experience. Pains due to spinal problems can be treated using different ways. Medicines, surgery and non-surgical methods like massage, acupuncture and other natural therapies can be used to deal with pain and to bring relief.
Neck pain is a common type of pain that people may experience because of an unhealthy spine. There are many reasons as to why people experience a pain in the neck. These include:
Neck pain is a common type of pain that people may experience because of an unhealthy spine. There are many reasons as to why people experience a pain in the neck. These include:
- Degeneration: The discs and vertebrae of the neck wear and tear with time and age. As these discs degenerate, a person may experience pain in the neck which may be chronic and persistent. Neck pain because of degeneration must be attended to else it may lead to problems like inflammation, cervical fractures, pinched nerves, arthritis etc.
- Bad sleeping position: The sleeping position that people adopt may cause neck pain. The neck needs proper support when one is sleeping and a lack of this support results in a neck pain. In addition, when a proper pillow is not used, neck pain may trouble a person. Sleeping in the wrong position often causes the neck to be out of alignment and this is what causes neck pain.
- Stress and anxiety: Stress and anxiety often cause muscles to stiffen and tighten. This causes tension in the muscles and tissues of the neck and results in stiffness and pain in the neck.
- Whiplash: Whiplash is a sudden jolt to the neck. When this happens, the neck gets injured because of the sudden movement of the head forward and then backward very quickly. This injury to the neck may cause some tissue or muscle to get injured and thus causes neck pain.
- Brachial plexus injury: Brachial plexus is a collection of nerves that connects the spinal cord in the neck to the hands. An injury to the Brachial plexus may therefore result in neck pain and also pain in the hands where the injured nerves need to be attended to relieve the patient of the pain.
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